Preparing for Class

Hey Tribe! Here are a couple of items to help you prepare for our time together:

  • Register for a zoom account if you don’t already have one

  • Please be sure to use the email address with Zoom that you used to register for the Apprentice Training with Karuna Mandala.

  • Couples/family members; you need to each have your own computer for group work - as we most likely will not put couples/family members into the same small group together. Thank you!

  • Be on the look out for Mighty Networks community invite

  • Please familiarize yourself with the membership site. This site will continue to grow & expand as the year rolls on.

  • Read the “Creating Your Sacred Space” information below.

Creating Your Sacred Space

  • Create a sacred altar/sacred space in your home or office for your practice sessions. Sometimes having two places to sit, one on the floor with a meditation cushion, and also a chair can be helpful in order to take care of your body on longer practice days or retreats.

  • Have a lighter & incense - or Sage, Palo Santo, and/or a candle to light together in ritual

  • Treat yourself to some flowers for your altar. Keep your altar fresh and current. Tidy it up each week.

  • Use airpods, head phones, or a blue tooth speaker for better sound quality

  • Keep a notebook and pen nearby

  • Have some tissues handy for pranayama

  • Eat light foods during our meal breaks that are easily digestible: vegetarian, soup, broth.