Small Group Facilitators


1. Transmit the heart wisdom. Rely on, leverage the group as a means for transmission.

2. Track the students who are on the certification track. What do you notice, are they ready to teach and facilitate. Eyes and ears on the ground. Track attendance. Who shows up, who doesn’t.

3. Norms and Values testing. Notice if there’s something funky going on. Red flags. Notice it and report it up.

4. Feed this back to our Tuesday night group. Sharing what the group process is. Share how our thing is unfolding. What we are doing is emergent. There is a curriculum, but we want to listen to how psyches respond to what we’re doing. So we can adjust as we move along.

5. Send questions / clarifications needed up the chain of command to ensure they get resolved.

6. Keep deepening our understanding and develop the principles of circle work. How to scale but keep it relational. The more socratic we can be, the more we can fold it back into the intelligence of the group, arising from within the group, that’s the relational technology that we are looking to cultivate.